
Religious Education

Saint Basil Youth Education Program (YEP!) for Children & Teens

YEP! is our Sunday Education Ministry for children and teens. Grade specific classroom lessons and group activity-based learning are both used in YEP! to help young people at Saint Basil’s learn about the Lord, His Church and how to live in today’s world as a Christian.


Orthodoxy 101 is a general study of Orthodox Christianity offered in a six-week interactive lecture series, twice per year.

Orthodoxy 201

is a compilation of interactive lecture series offered throughout the year on unique topics, including: Morality & Ethics, Orthodoxy Christianity in America, Christianity in Popular Culture, and more… Contact the church office for information on the next scheduled series.

Bible Studies are taught on a variety of different topics and across multiple venues. In person, online and in multiple languages — Saint Basil Bible Studies are intended to connect the faithful to a greater and more applicable understanding of the Living Word of God.

Cultural Education

The Hellenic Education Program exposes and educates youth and adults to the culture of Hellenism through a vibrant Greek language program and additional offerings.

*contact the church office for additional information, including scheduling and registration for all Saint Basil Education Ministries.